Embrace being
Perfectly Imperfect!
I tell my clients to embrace themselves and all the aspects of who they are. Often people want to make things perfect: Marriage, Home, Relationships, Health, Family, etc. However, trying to have perfection is very hard on the individual's mental health, relationships, and so much more.
In therapy, I talk about strengths and weaknesses. We all have them. However, if I own my weaknesses or faults, then I have the power to change them, and other people can't hold them over me.
How can you heal from something you are unable to feel or understand?
Or...How can you heal from something you are unwilling to feel?
I tend to ask this question a lot to my clients. I often work with individuals that do not fully understand their emotions. I want my clients to be able to FULLY name, notice, understand, and appropriately process their emotions, as well as those they come in contact with.
This process of fully understanding emotions is called Emotional Intelligence. I see this as a valued skill to learn and have. Individuals who are better at controlling of their emotions often report higher satisfaction in life.
My Practice
Problem = Solutions
I am someone one that believes that if there is no problem then there is no solution. Denial of problems is a possibility. Whether the problem is clearly defined or not, I want to support you on this journey to understand more about yourself and how to improve things in your life. So, if we are honest and open and able to define a problem, then we can define a solution.
As you get to know me, there are so many wonderful sayings I use... such as,
T.I.ME. stands for Things I Must Earn, meaning that rather than waiting for physical time to go by, doing the actions to make the changes matters.
Therapy is the actions in which you take to make the changes to support yourself and those you love to embrace the life we have.
Jennifer Rush
Feel free to reach out to me by email if you have any questions or would like to schedule a free consulation.
(985) 685-9935
106 Park Place
Suite 204-i
Covington, LA 70433